From Concept to Company in 8 Weeks - You Don't Need an Idea or a Business Degree

Our cutting-edge AI technology, combined with the expertise of industry leaders, creates an unparalleled learning experience tailored for aspiring entrepreneurs. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality education that is both flexible and interactive.

There Are 5 Reasons Why People Don't Start Businesses - We Tackle All

1. Lack of Money 💸

We know having capital is important to start a business, that is why this course is designed not to break the bank.

Additionally you will receive our free E-Book with 25 side hustle ideas to start with 0 or little money.

2. Market Barriers

Learn how to develop a unique value proposition and effective marketing strategies to stand out in the market. Our bootcamp equips you with the tools to secure a customer base and thrive in competitive environments.

3. Insufficient Knowledge and Skills

Our course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of value creation and delivery and our AI assistants are packed with expert knowledge to help you solve your unique problems.

4. Fear of Failure

Our bootcamp provides a supportive environment where you can learn from mistakes without the high stakes. With the guidance of AI coaches and human mentors, you’ll gain the confidence to overcome entrepreneurial challenges.

5. Inadequate Support Networks

Join our vibrant Slack Community to connect with peers, AI assistants, and experienced mentors. Our supportive environment not only drives collaboration but also keeps you accountable.

Weekly networking opportunities ensure you receive the guidance, encouragement, and accountability you need to stay on track and succeed.

🧙 Try A Truly Different Learning Experience

Unique Methodology 🗻

We’ve crafted a unique learning experience where you don’t just learn—you learn by doing.

Real-Time Feedback with AI Coaches 🤖

Get immediate insights and personalized feedback from our advanced AI Coaches. They’re here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you understand and apply each concept effectively.

Discover the Secrets of Value Generation💸

Learn how to create and deliver value, the cornerstone of any successful business. Our course is designed to take you from 0 to hero, with no prior knowledge required.

🤖 How does it work?

We’ve Designed a Powerful 8-Week Bootcamp

With one powerful lesson per week that you can access anytime and everywhere 📚

Every week you will perform a solo and AI assisted tasks for immediate feedback.There will be a cheatsheet every week to support your tasks and learning path and a dedicated human coach available. 🤯

Our Course Is Designed To Teach You Business Fundamentals In Record Time 

We have carefully curated 8 chapters that will teach you the most important fundamentals for starting a business.

Tailored to Individuals

Every student is unique, and so is their learning journey. Our AI-powered system personalizes the learning experience to fit your specific needs, strengths, and goals. This ensures that the knowledge you gain is directly applicable to your individual path to success.

Learn by Doing

We believe that the best way to learn is through practical application. Our method emphasizes hands-on exercises and real-world projects, allowing you to apply the principles you learn in a dynamic and engaging way. This experiential approach helps solidify your understanding and build confidence in your abilities.

Not About Right or Wrong Answers

Traditional education often focuses on finding the "right" answers. In contrast, our method encourages critical thinking and problem-solving. It's about exploring different solutions and maximizing the value of your knowledge. Our goal is to help you develop the skills to navigate complex challenges and create effective strategies tailored to your unique situation.

🎓 What Our Students Say:

An Offer You Cant Refuse 💸

For a limited time, enroll in our comprehensive 8-week bootcamps for only $89.99. This incredible offer gives you access to everything you need to succeed as an aspiring entrepreneur.

That is less than 12 bucks per week for:

✅ Affordable Excellence:
High-quality education at a price that won’t break the bank.

✅Interactive AI Assistants: Learn and interact with AI characters available around the clock to answer your questions and guide you through the material.

✅Community Access:
Join a vibrant community where you can connect with peers, share insights, and receive support from AI assistants and fellow students.

✅ Flexible Learning: Study at your own pace, with 24/7 access to resources and support.

Proven Success: Join a community of learners who have successfully transformed their skills and careers with our bootcamps.

✅Dedicated Human Coach: Benefit from the supervision and support of an experienced coach who will answer your questions and keep you on track throughout the bootcamp.

✅Weekly Networking Opportunities: Expand your professional network with regular networking sessions designed to connect you with like-minded entrepreneurs.

Buy Now—Spaces Are Limited!

Business Founder Bootcamp - AUG Cohort

Billed in one payment.
For people who want to start a business but don't know where to start.
Don’t let another day go by without taking action.
7 Day Money-Back Guarantee
<Course Starts on October 7>

Any Questions?

How do the bootcamps work?

Our bootcamps are structured into 8 chapters, with each chapter covered in one week. You’ll engage with expert-led video lessons, cheat sheets, and practical exercises. Additionally, you’ll interact with peers and AI assistants in our Slack Community and receive support from a dedicated human coach.

What makes Up-Bloom Academy different from traditional education?

Unlike traditional education, our bootcamps are flexible, interactive, and tailored to your needs. You learn at your own pace, you get real time feedback from our AI coaches 24/7 and participate in a vibrant community, all while receiving guidance from experienced human coaches as well.

What is the Slack Community?

The Slack Community is a platform where you can interact with fellow learners, AI assistants, and your human coach. It’s a space for discussion, collaboration, and networking, providing a dynamic and supportive learning environment.

What are the networking opportunities like?

Each week, you’ll have the chance to participate in networking sessions within the Slack Community. If you agree to participate you will be randomly matched with one of your peers to have a virtual coffee meeting.